I know you're a great big kid at heart. That's why I'm inviting you to join a special club for big kids who want to help little kids.
Big kids like you and me.
Little kids like the 3,000 members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Joseph County.
Great Bid Kid Club members provide essential funding through their annual contributions to support after school and summer programming for children ages 6 to 18. Unlike most after school programs that charge daily, weekly or monthly programming fees, the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Joseph County charge $40 per year for membership. And if families are unable to afford this nominal fee, we offer scholarships. This is the Boys & Girls Club promise to children made possible because of the generosity of people like you.
As a Great Big Kid Club member and board member for the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Joseph County, I am very proud of the critical role the Club plays in the lives of children. We offer children hope and opportunity for a bright and productive future. With nationally developed and tested programming in education, the arts, sports and fitness, health and wellness, and character and leadership, the Boys & Girls Club is the finest youth development program anywhere.
Beyond the quality and impact of programming, the Boys & Girls Club addresses the most important needs children have for safety, structure, compassion, and caring. More than 2/3 of the children we serve come from homes living at or below the poverty level. An even higher percentage of children are raised in single parent homes. The families we serve simply don't have the resources for fee based after school programming. The Club fills this critcally important need for children in our community who need us most.
Please join me investing in our children today and the future of tomorrow by becomming a Great Big Kid Club member. All gifts, regardless of size, are appreciated, needed and invested with great care.